Professional Choice Sheds® & Garages – workshops (Also available as solar ready) – Ph: 0425 230 866 or 1300 851 038
Sheds & Garages – Workshops – (all available as solar ready)
Everything is customisable to the millimeter. You can use Zincalume or all Colorbond colours, add translucent or transparent roof sheets, PA Doors, Windows, Whirlybirds, Insulation, etc.
You can have a small garden shed, a single or multi-bay garage or our ever-popular double garage with workshop area.
Wanting something more industrial? We will design and supply any industrial steel building up to 22m x 40m. We can even supply a mezzanine floor for your workshop and all structures are strong enough to take the weight of additional lining plus add solar panels for free power!
You have over 43 choices and accessories with Professional Choice Sheds® from the obvious – dimensions and colour – to solar ready and mezzanines. Have a look at your shed guide by clicking here for some further ideas!
Farm Shed, Garden Shed Garage or workshop– you can depend on Professional Choice Sheds®
Sheds & garages – workshops
Garage, Farm Shed, Garden Shed, or small Industrial Building – if its for installation at your home or farm or industrial site, we can design it to your exact specifications. Designed to your specification and guaranteed to be up to Australian Standards. If you’d like to check below, Professional Choice® is one of the very few suppliers in Australia who can actually supply to Australian Standards!
The Professional Choice Sheds® differences
Guaranteed to Australian Standards. If you have another quote, why not check if it is really up to Australian Standards? If you don’t want a roof that will sag, or worse still, blow away in a very high wind, check your quote on this independent site
Most sheds available in Australia, apart from Professional Choice Sheds®, will fail this simple test!
High tensile Australian steel can be 50% stronger than cheaper imported steel. Imported steel may look and feel similar, but will not give you the deflection strength and thickness essential to pass Australian Standards.
What other business advertised this simple check? What other business will give you the data in your proposal to make the checking so simple?
The differences with Professional Choice Sheds®
Sheds & Garages – workshops
Slab Size:
A 6000 x 9000 shed will be built to that slab size. The steel frame and cladding extend past and over the slab for waterproofing.
Roller Doors –
Doors are defined by the size by the actual clearance of the opening with the roller door completely open and its drum at its maximum diameter. With nearly all others shed manufacturers you will ‘loose’ around 300mm clearance with a door drum under-hang.
Part Schedule
The Bill of Materials is your parts Schedule. It is an intelligent design to be read alongside the Engineering Designs, so that you or the installers have the parts as you need them. The designs set a new benchmark in the industry. All designs satisfy both the Australian Standards and the Manufacturer’s Specifications.
To demonstrate the structural integrity of Professional Choice Sheds®, here is an example of a Zed connection. Your shed connection detail secures the purlin to the rafter using a high tensile M12 bolt, two 38 x 38 x 3 mm square washers and 6 Tek screws for lapped members.
Often in smaller shed bays, we do use Top Hat if they are suitable for the design and region.

Sheds & Garages – workshops. The structural integrity of the connection shown above is obvious.
The engineering detail is exceptionally clear; but if you have a problem, scan the QR Code in the top right of each page to review a video on your phone! A quick click on the GD4.1 heading will return you to your page.
Professional Choice Sheds® are an installer’s dream. Instantly accessible, clear, comprehensive instructions.
Don’t be fooled by inferior imports assembled in Australia
Genuine Australian Colorbond Cladding, a list of the ‘tricks’ below, don’t be deceived – Sheds & Garages – workshops
0.42 Colorbond is a trusted, proven, durable product.
Deceptively market misleading colour names & gauges. Check for genuine Colorbond colours and only accept a minimum of 0.42BMT, that’s Base Metal Thickness.
Certified Australian G450-500 High Tensile Steel Columns & Rafters
BlueScope Steel capacities & strength are proven and certified by Australian engineers.
Deceptive companies claim to use ‘quality’ steel, but deliver cheap imported inferior steel. What does this mean? Well, our 7m x 7m BlueScope Steel Shed is 435kg heavier and stronger than its flimsy, foreign steel counterpart. Using less steel and weaker steel makes frames dangerous & illegal.
Certified Australian G450-550 High Tensile Steel Purlins & Girts
BlueScope Steel’s certified quality, strength & durability.
Some manufacturers use BlueScope Steel, but cheat you by using smaller members and less of them. Stay clear of purlins or girts with a gauge less than 1.0 mm. Cladding needs support and a frame needs substance or it will pull apart in a severe storm.
Comprehensive & User Friendly Instructions
Product quality is obvious in its documentation. Every connection should be clear and have its own video showing you exactly what to do. No mistakes. No wasted time.
Distract buyers with glossy brochures, fancy ads & celebrities. Dig deeper to see what you are actually buying. Compare Installation Manuals. Product quality is not skin deep. Don’t be left scratching your head over a pile of parts.
Certified by Independent Reputable Structural Engineers
Certified as 100% Australian Standards compliant.
Be wary of ‘in house’ engineers or ‘back yard’ certifiers. Look for a reputable, independent firms. CHECK ALL YOU ARE GIVEN on the independent website
Indicative Prices and mass details
Example first page proposal for a 6000 x 9000 x 2700 Triple door shed/garage with window
Wind region | Price | Approx Mass |
Region A | 13349.00 | 1,618 KG |
Region B | 13269.00 | 1,631.5 KG |
Region C | 16699.00 | 1,893.3 KG |
All prices are exclusive of GST |

Indicative Prices and mass details
Example first page proposal for a 4000 x 6000 x 2700 single door shed/garage with two window and Personal Access door
Wind region | Price | Approx Mass |
Region A | $6850.00 | 1,231 KG |
Region B | $6690.00 | 1,100 KG |
Region C | $7900.00 | 1,424 KG |
All prices are exclusive of GST |

Sheds & Garages- industrial buildings, farm sheds and workshops
Any design you want. Completely flexible – Start with a rough drawing and dimensions and work with our shed design specialists. A FREE service to create the exact shed you want.
More than 43 Choices!
You have over 43 choices and accessories with Professional Choice Sheds® from the obvious – dimensions and colour – to solar ready and mezzanines. Have a look at your shed guide by clicking here for some further ideas!
Notes Inclusions/sizes – Doors and Windows
- All sheds/garages must have at least 1 full wall
- All garage/gara-ports must have a minimum of one (1) full wall
- Minimum size is 2.5m x 2.5m
- Maximum size is 22m for Region A, 20m for region B and 18m for region C with a length up to 40 metres.
- Maximum span is normally 7m.
- AMIA windows will be supplied
- Gliderol is the standard roller door although B&D can be supplied on request.
- PA doors are by Larnec