Building an electric future with your own solar carport
The vast majority of research and development funds from the large car manufacturers is now being spent on electric cars. Governments in Europe are now legislating for all/ electric clean vehicles in the next few years; even Ferrari are reported to be developing their first all-electric vehicle.

Australia seems slow in the uptake of electric technology, but with every major car manufacturer on the cusp of releasing a new electric model, it’s surly time to prepare! It’s great to see the NRMA invest $10 million in fast charging stations. This is essential infrastructure for our future but the onus for providing the majority of “ electric fuel” must rest with the end- user.
An obvious solution for home- owners is to produce their fuel for free using the sun! I couldn’t believe that when I decided to have a solar carport erected at the end of last year, I discovered they could not be purchased in Australia! I’d seen them in Europe and thought, “OK, I need a carport, I’ve got a north- facing sunny site, may as well have a solar roof and charging station”. They are also popular in the USA and Asia but unavailable in Australia.
I contacted nearly all the solar companies I could find on the web. Most seemed to think a solar carport was a great idea and they would be more than happy to install one for me if I could find one to buy!
Eventually one Company took my challenge seriously and as of May 2018, it is now possible to buy a great -looking solar carport kit in Australia. The solar cash back scheme applies to these, so there is a little help in installing one. However, if you make your solar carport your charging station how much would you be saving in fuel each year? The average Aussie family now pays are $150 per month on car fuel, that’s $1800 per year. It may not take too long to get your money back on your own charging station and you’ve got a ‘free’ carport! They are available at solar carports on line. ( or try