This question, “Can you put solar panels on a carport or patio in Australia?” is exceptionally important for Australian readers. The reason for this is that the standard Google answer is wrong! Google is not interested in answering the question for the meager twenty-six million Australians on our huge continent when they have fourteen million more potential customers in their home state of California alone.

The American Government, from an Australian perspective, seems incapable of passing any sensible legislation that may save severe injury and lives. We are amazed to hear that they will do nothing Can You Put Solar panels on a Carport or Patio in Australia? - industrial steel buildingsto stop mentally sick people buying gins to shoot people indiscriminately. They can’t seem to legislate to make the wearing of seat belts compulsory all over, even for young children. They can’t legislate to ensure that people are not maimed and killed by the installation of dangerous structures. It is in this environment that the most common Google answer to the question is generated.

So, the Answer to this: – Can You Put Solar panels on a Carport or Patio in Australia?

The general answer to this question is a resounding NO! For most of the existing class 10A structures in Australia, you can not install solar panels on the roof. 10A structures include Carports, patios, and sheds. They are certified and built to minimum Australian Standards to support their own weight and any additions will break these standards and you will have a ‘non-compliant’ structure. It is common for people to add a side protection to a carport and even this will increase the stress placed on the structure.

Adding additional weight to the roof is certainly illegal and will leave you with an uncertified structure. Recently, “Solar-Ready” designs for patios, carports and sheds have been introduced by Professional Choice Sheds but only these are suitable for the addition of solar panels. Read more about Professional Choice below.

Australian Law and adding solar panels to a carport or patio.

In Australia, there are many laws and regulations to protect owners and the public. Australia’s building codes, or Standards, are developed by Standards Australia and are published in the Australian Standards series. All levels of government, industry, and consumers use them to ensure product quality and safety.

The Australian Building Code (ABC) is a set of nationally consistent regulations that apply to all buildings constructed in Australia. It is intended to protect public health and safety when people live, work, or visit buildings.

The ABC applies to all new buildings; additions or alterations to existing buildings; and demolitions of any building regardless of its age.

The ABC sets out minimum requirements for structures and their components but does not specify designs or materials. The design of buildings is determined by architects, builders and other specialists who have experience in the field concerned. With steel constructions, such as carports, sheds, and patios, an engineer is responsible for calculating the loads and certifying the structure as “safe and compliant.”

Existing Australian Carports and Patios

Recent calculations supplied by some of the best engineers in Australia have identified over 500,000 farm/industrial sheds in Australia which are below the Australian Standards for structures of their type. It was also discovered that most carports are barely capable of supporting their own weight. Recent changes to BlueScope Steel/ Lysaght carport design, (July 2023) confirm that their carports needed attention. BlueScope would have to be the most trusted name in steel structures in Australia and even their product was found to be below standard.

Most carports in Australia are therefore incapable of holding the additional weight of solar panels on their roof. The reasons are that supporting poles are just not made strong enough and the strength of the roof itself cannot take any additional weight stress.

Fortunately, in many cases, a solar installer will refuse to add the panels to existing sheds and carports because they know that the structure will not carry the extra weight. However, in some cases they will install them leaving an extremely dangerous structure incapable of surviving high winds in the area.

Adding solar panels to a standard carport is not possible.

In short, a standard carport cannot handle the extra weight of solar panels. Adding solar panels to a standard carport is not possible. The problem with Solar Panels is that they produce extra weight Can You Put Solar panels on a Carport or Patio in Australia? - solar ready carport with solar panels on the roofon your roof. This extra weight can cause the roof of your carport to be overstressed to an extent where it could later disintegrate under the extra pressure exerted by your added weight.

The best location for solar panels is the north-facing roof of your home, or a solar-ready compliant carport or patio. Solar panels on your carport or patio can only be fitted if it is a specially reinforced solar-ready structure.

Professional Choice Solar-Ready Carports, Patios, and Sheds

In 2020, after introducing Australia’s first solar carports, solarcarportsonline, collaborating with their sister business, Professional Choice Sheds, introduced Australia’s first solar-ready carports, sheds, and patios.

A ’standard” Professional Choice shed or carport is around 40% more mass than other equivalent structures. They must be to ensure that all Australian Standards are covered. They are made of 100% Australian high-tensile steel and have more beams and purlins than others on the market. Even these must be ‘upgraded” to support solar panels. Sometimes the upgrade can be supplied at the same price as a standard structure but usually, they are a few hundred dollars more.

Not only are Professional Choice Sheds and carports stronger than all competitors, but the solar-ready designs can easily support their own weight plus an additional 20kg per square metre on the roof to allow the installation of solar panels.

Yes, you Can Put Solar panels on a Carport or Patio in Australia if it is Solar-Ready Professional Choice!

Carports are designed to support their own weight. Legs are often barely strong enough to support the weight of the carport roof. The carport roof is just strong enough to hold the steel sheeting. You cannot add extra weight to a carport roof or put extra pressure on the carport by adding sides. Construction must be to Australian Standards so you cannot add solar panels to a standard carport roof or patio roof.  Carports and Patios will be designed by Professional Choice for solar-ready use. The same applies to sheds.

You have two choices:

1) Put the solar panels on your home roof

2) Construct a new Professional Choice structure that can support the additional load of solar panels.

Summary – Can You Put Solar panels on a Carport or Patio in Australia?

The answer is always “no.” Australian Standards are there to protect you and the public from danger. Most carports, sheds and patios in Australia are just capable of supporting their own weight.  Any addition to the sides or the roof can make them extremely dangerous.

Professional Choice Sheds introduced Solar-Ready Carports and Sheds some 2 years ago. These are the strongest 10A structures available in Australia. You can add solar panels to a solar-ready Professional Choice carport or patio safely. They keep well within Australian Standards, this is our assurance.


  1. Hi, I’m interested in replacing my existing pergola structure with a solar ready structure. The measurement is 3m x 15m approximately. I’m interested I product availability and pricing. Can you please contact me with further information?


  2. Hi, I’m interested in putting up a standalone pergola/verandah structure alondside an existing dwelling, a solar ready structure. The measurement is 2.6m x 14m approximately. I’m interested in product availability and pricing. Can you please contact me with further information?


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